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Innovation Fair Usage Policy: Safaricom Vs. Zuku Vs JTL Faiba


Jan 15, 2021
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Now that Safaricom have decided to fuack us, I'm looking for alternative wifi options.
So far, these are my conclusions:

JTL Faiba:
30 mbs at 5k is a good deal. But that's their cheapest home internet deal.

Apparently, JTL Faiba has a hidden fair usage policy in their terms & conditions.

If you're a heavy internet quota and you hit your monthly quota, Faiba JTL will cap your torrent speed.

According to Faiba JTL, if you hit your quota, the bandwidth won't be affected except the torrent speed.

But what's the quota? That's the problem, Faiba JTL doesn't specify.

Is it possible that Faiba JTL will only limit torrent speed, but leave out streaming?
I'm not sure.
I think they're trying to sugar coat that they have a fair usage policy.


Zuku doesn't have a fair usage policy....Or do they? It seems they do.

"The Zuku Fair Use Policy automatically identifies the extremely heavy users and manages their bandwidth in order to protect the services to all our customers." - Straight from the horse's mouth.

That means, if you've noticed your Zuku internet speed has slowed down at some point, it's possible that they've capped your speed.

However, Zuku reduces your internet speed (for extremely heavy users) between 11 a.m to 10 p.m. After that, you can continue with your usual internet speed if you're past the monthly quota.

Basically, the more you use, the less speed priority you get.

We've already discussed this so I will not go into the details.

But it's not fair for customers who are paying 12k to be capped at the same rate and quota with customers who are paying 4k.

It makes sense to pay 10K for Faiba JTL Business internet (15mbps) than Safaricom Diamond Home package (50 mbps).

It's not 2010 anymore, and 500gb and 1TB data is not a lot considering we're moving towards 4K and 8K tvs in our home.

Let's not lie to ourselves: The real reason why internet data caps exist on fibre optic cables is not because of congestion, but because ISPs don't want to spend a lot of money to upgrade and maintain their infrastructure.

It all comes down to profits and more profits.
Not to mention, the fact that there is no big competition to the top 3 home ISPs (Safaricom, Zuku and JTL Faiba) means that they can fuack us when they want.
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