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Love Love Why Women Cheat

Marissa Smile

Nov 28, 2019
Reaction score
The rising cases of domestic violence, murders and suicides in kenya is alarming. In most of these cases it is alleged that there is infidelity on the part of the woman.

A recent study found that the number of married women who admit to cheating on their spouses has increased by 40% since 1990, it may be that women are growing less interested in being confined to traditional relationship constructs where a woman is seen as a home maker and child bearer; married and unmarried women alike have made great strides related to sexual empowerment and romantic autonomy.

It appears that more women are looking for happiness and pleasure outside of their relationships. Even as the men castigate women and brand them as "cheaters", they need to keep up with the changing times and up their games in relationships. Men need to understand why women cheat in relationships.

The most common reason women cheat is because they are not getting enough of something from their current partner. Usually, the sex is bad and shows no signs of improving, their partners arent carrying their share of the emotional labor load and they are feeling neglected, or they are experiencing a combination of the two. Men who cheat are more likely to report being happy in their relationships than women, with their reasons leaning towards seeking sexual pleasure from someone new. Women, on the other hand, tend to seek emotional fulfillment when they step out. So men even as you are out there trying to make a leaving; take care of your womans emotional needs.

Some women cheat simply because its exhilarating; boredom or frustration with life, in general, can also be a motivation for someone looking to shake things up a bit. Make your relationships interesting go out on holidays, explore different sex positions, have sex in the kitchen or living room.

A survey also found that having power can motivate people towards infidelity the more professional and financial power a person has, the more confidence a person has in their ability to attract people. As women experience professional growth and become more financially secure, why wouldnt we expect them to do what powerful men have been doing forever? And since they are less economically reliant on romantic partners, if they get caught and their relationships end, they can provide for themselves in ways women of previous generations could not.

Another reason why women cheat is revenge for being cheated on. "He has cheated on me why cant I do the same".

Good advice: Spend more time learning who you are and what you want out of your intimate partnerships before jumping in and out of unfulfilling predicaments where your actions can hurt more people than you ever intended. Embrace honesty and be outspoken about what you need and what you refuse to settle for less.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2019
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The rising cases of domestic violence, murders and suicides in kenya is alarming. In most of these cases it is alleged that there is infidelity on the part of the woman.

A recent study found that the number of married women who admit to cheating on their spouses has increased by 40% since 1990, it may be that women are growing less interested in being confined to traditional relationship constructs where a woman is seen as a home maker and child bearer; married and unmarried women alike have made great strides related to sexual empowerment and romantic autonomy.

It appears that more women are looking for happiness and pleasure outside of their relationships. Even as the men castigate women and brand them as "cheaters", they need to keep up with the changing times and up their games in relationships. Men need to understand why women cheat in relationships.

The most common reason women cheat is because they are not getting enough of something from their current partner. Usually, the sex is bad and shows no signs of improving, their partners arent carrying their share of the emotional labor load and they are feeling neglected, or they are experiencing a combination of the two. Men who cheat are more likely to report being happy in their relationships than women, with their reasons leaning towards seeking sexual pleasure from someone new. Women, on the other hand, tend to seek emotional fulfillment when they step out. So men even as you are out there trying to make a leaving; take care of your womans emotional needs.

Some women cheat simply because its exhilarating; boredom or frustration with life, in general, can also be a motivation for someone looking to shake things up a bit. Make your relationships interesting go out on holidays, explore different sex positions, have sex in the kitchen or living room.

A survey also found that having power can motivate people towards infidelity the more professional and financial power a person has, the more confidence a person has in their ability to attract people. As women experience professional growth and become more financially secure, why wouldnt we expect them to do what powerful men have been doing forever? And since they are less economically reliant on romantic partners, if they get caught and their relationships end, they can provide for themselves in ways women of previous generations could not.

Another reason why women cheat is revenge for being cheated on. "He has cheated on me why cant I do the same".

Good advice: Spend more time learning who you are and what you want out of your intimate partnerships before jumping in and out of unfulfilling predicaments where your actions can hurt more people than you ever intended. Embrace honesty and be outspoken about what you need and what you refuse to settle for less.

It appears that more women are looking for happiness and pleasure outside of their relationships.

Looking for happiness and pleasure outside their relationships, yet this below.

it may be that women are growing less interested in being confined to traditional relationship constructs where a woman is seen as a home maker and child bearer;

Why are you creating confusion among innocent souls?


New member
Dec 9, 2019
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Problem is men are never willing to learn or listen...they think they know it all...
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