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Politicking Peter Kenneth


Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
Good morning, what a beautiful day.

A puppet is only relevant when the master shows interest. Once the interest moves elsewhere then the puppet becomes irrelevant. PK was once briefly considered by Kenyatta family but his poor numbers in 2013 100k votes and even poorer numbers 40k in 2017 Nairobi Jubilee governor primaries made it clear this guy is a 0.01% at best. The second problem was PK was being backed by court jesters literary who have zero clout. Sasa muraithe ni MTU wa kutumwa, sema hii and that. There was even a time in Bomas they tried entering through the VVIP entrance and got turned away to use the entrance reserved for MPs.

However things changed when gideon joined the succession race as a joint puppeteer with Kenyatta family. Nyayo $1.5 billion stashed abroad will have some of it used to fund the campaigns. For that they have called the puppets into their line. RAT, watermelon, madvd etc have being told they will take what's given to them and they must appreciate it. Only RAT hasn't signed the coalition agreement simply because he is a third wheel in it and not a principal. kenyatta and moi are the joint principals. This is why odm announced its presidential pick now rather than 2021. RAT is trying to show he can still ran in 2022 and hoping to leverage that to be included as coalition candidate or joint principal. It has not worked yet. In fact more info coming out publicly is that RAT is just a tool to get mbimbiyai as far as possible then they leave him. This is what prompted RAT again to pretend to seek out DP Uncle Ruto by making sure they have a chance meeting in a function and hope that brief exchange of greetings will be construed as a meeting. That happened this week and you saw the brief hype over nothing. Last time he was asked to sign that same coalition agreement, he made sure he meets Sudi where sudi normally takes lunch and get people talking. It worked then because the agreement talk slowed down only to reemerge with gideon entrance to the succession.

Sasa remember the players. The horses, donkeys and puppets.
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