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Love Love To younger 20-something men craving female "companionship."


Dec 3, 2019
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To younger men craving female "companionship."

We get it. Part of you wants to believe in the fantasy. The fantasy that says, she'll be accepting, giving, loyal, loving, and yes, sexual. Sexual to you and you alone.

You're young, and naturally crave being close with a woman. How can you look at her mannerisms, her sexually arousing curves/feminine body, her sweet, high pitched voice and not want to believe the fantasy. How can you not want her?

Even if you haven't been laid yet, the porn you've probably surfed on the net helps feed the fantasy...

Well, I'm well into my 30's and can tell you right here and now...
Mother nature (your testosterone) is compelling you to see what she (Mother Nature) wants you to see, to feel what she wants you to feel. But her agenda isn't for you to have a "loving, lasting relationship" my young Brother.

Mother Nature's a BITCH, and her agenda is quite simple. She is creating this physical, psychological trap inside you for the sole purpose in achieving her relentless goal to get you to PROCREATE. To make babies and perpetuate the species.

However, all you're sensing, all you're feeling is the groaning desire for the sex, love, companionship and life-long pair-bonding YOU WANT TO BELIEVE THIS CREATURE CAN PROVIDE.

Mother nature, again, the BITCH that she is, is cold as they come. She doesn't give a flying f**k about hypergamy, horrible divorce law, shitty economies and of course, women's insidiously callous darker nature.

So how does a young man survive this inner-conflict?
There's NO EASY, NO COMFORTING ANSWER. But, here's a couple suggestions:

It's ok to date women, to have fun with them. After all, it does indeed feel great to lay naked with a woman, smelling her scents, to feel her body against yours, fucking and getting a nice sloppy BJ on a hot February morning. Hell, even to just to hold hands and cuddle in front of a movie.

But make no mistake my young Brother. All of those sweet things listed above ARE FLEETING. THEY NEVER LAST. EVER. SHE WILL USE THESE TO HER ADVANTAGE OVER TIME, GUARAN-FERCKING-TEED.

Again, go ahead and date, get laid, but don't fall into her (and Mother Nature's) trap.

She will try and use her sexuality and affections to trap you into marriage. The first few months, you'll be in pu**y heaven. You may even start thinking she's "different." This is where you need to watch your ass.

Always remember. Women are CREATURES OF SURVIVAL and will engage in shockingly callous behaviors to secure their survival agenda, even in our modern time when her survival agenda isn't needed. It's just hard wired in. She'll always be looking for a "better deal" (50% of women in all relationships admit having a back up man they're grooming, just in case).

As hard as it is to fathom, a woman, once she's done with you, will gut you in divorce court, devastate you psychologically and walk away without a care in the fucking world. No remorse, no guilt, zero fucking shame. The seemingly sweetest of the sweetest women do this.

This isn't malicious, it's hard-wired in. Getting mad and hating women for their darker survivalist nature is like hating sharks or scorpions for theirs. Complete waste of energy. Just suck up the cold, hard truth and act accordingly.

Speaking of sharks, considering getting married is like considering diving into a lagoon full of sharks, wearing a wet-suit made out of flank steak. At the urging of the delusional herd and testosterone coursing through your body, you somehow hope you can enjoy a nice swim and not end up crawling onto shore with the 50% of other dipshits with arms and legs bitten clean off.

Hell, even if you don't get bit (divorced), how fun is it perpetually treading water with eyes in the back of your fucking head, constantly dodging those insidiously snapping jaws (shit tests, demands and nagging)?

Women will scream until hell freezes over they want a "nice guy."
It's complete bullshit. Date women, but instead of the being a pushover, "nice guy." Be the "lovable asshole." That unattainable guy that plays his cards close to his chest. She'll bitch, moan and cry to her friends how she can't get you to "open up," which really means she can't get you under her control. While this does drive her nuts, however, it also makes her sexually engaged. She'll keep right on sexing you up to try and suck you into her velvet trap.

Use this to your advantage, but remember to respect Mother Nature for the cold, calculating BITCH she is. Don't get sucked in. Don't fall in love with a fantasy that will never come true.

Have friends, have hobbies, enjoy women for who and what they are. Have a "plan" for you and own it. Everyone loves a "man with a plan." Just don't get sucked into the marriage trap.


Dec 3, 2019
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Young men should marry. However, they should be extremely selective about who they marry. That is my opinion.

Mariage is like a business. Huwezi sema hutawahi anza biz juu ya risk. At the same time, kuna risks not worth taking. The best you can do is marry but minimize those risks by being more selective when finding a wife. That way you minimize the risk, hata kama you dont eliminate it. Kusema hutaoa ni kama kusema hutawahi endesha gari juu unaogopa accident. At the same time huwezi risk kuendesha gari inaslip brakes.
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